Welcome to the 20th EUSUHM Congress in Rotterdam: all about youth and prevention
Welcome to the 20th EUSUHM Congress in Rotterdam: all about youth and prevention
First of all we would like to wish you a very happy and healthy 2019!
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the 20th Congress of EUSUHM. The Congress takes place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, on 11-13 September 2019. The scientific programme for the EUSUHM 2019 congress is ready. Many interesting keynote speakers are ready for you! Curious? Please visit the EUSUHM 2019 website.
But we also need your knowledge, information and results of ongoing or finished scientific research and developments. Therefore you can submit your abstract online; abstract submission is still open until February 1st 2019 12.00 CET. This is only 29 days from now!
In addition, it is also possible to submit your idea for a workshop. In a workshop we expect you to actively work and interact with the participants of your session.
You can find the guidelines for abstract submission for either oral presentation/ poster of workshop on our website.
The theme of the coming EUSUHM Congress is “Changing contexts: influencing youth and their surroundings”. As preventive youth health care professionals we work in the broad field of public health. Our focus is not only to care for individual children and youngsters, but also to evaluate the influence of the context on the health and behaviour of young people, and to be able to advise how changes in context can influence the health and behaviour of young people.
With kind regards,
Henrique Sachse-Bonhof
President of Eusuhm